Tom Eisenberg


Tom (Thomas) Eisenberg

I am an assistant professor of economics in the Lerner College of Business and Economics at the University of Delaware. My areas of interest are Industrial Organization, Environmental and Energy Economics, and Applied Econometrics. My work focuses on coal policy in China and the United States, as well as collusion in international markets.

Here is a link to my CV



  • Missing Data and the Effects of Market Deregulation: Evidence from Chinese Coal Power,” International Journal of Industrial Organization, Volume 93, March 2024

  • (joint with R.G. Ehrenberg, G.H. Jakubson, M.L Martin, and J.B. Main): "Diversifying the Faculty Across Gender Lines: Do Trustees and Administrators Matter?", Economics of Education Review, Volume 1, Issue 1, February 2012, pages 9-18

  • (joint with T. Eisenberg, M.T. Wells, and M. Zhang): "Addressing the Zeros Problem: Regression Models for Outcomes with a Large Proportion of Zeros, with an Application to Trial Outcomes", Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, Volume 12, Issue 1, March 2015, pages 9-18 (special edition in memory of Theodore Eisenberg)


ResearCH Papers


Welfare Effects of Trade Associations: The Case of the Chilean Salmon Export Industry (joint with Manuel Estay and Debi Prasad Mohapatra) - revisions requested at the RAND Journal of Economics

Winner of the IIOC 2023 Robert F. Lanzillotti Prize for the Best Paper in Antitrust Economics

Regulatory Distortions and Capacity Investment: The Case of China’s Coal Power Industry (Job Market Paper) - revisions requested at International Journal of Industrial Organization

Winner of the EARIE 2019 Young Economist Essay Award (most significant policy contribution)

Environmental Liability, Insurance, and Market Structure in Coal Mining (with Joshua Macey) - revisions requested at Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists


Self-Bonding in Environmental Liability Insurance Markets (with Terra Baer and Joshua Macey)

Gains from Procurement Auctions in Coal Mine Reclamation (with Joshua Macey)



My teaching interests include Industrial Organization, Energy and Environmental Economics, and Applied Econometrics at both the graduate and undergraduate level. I am also available to teach undergraduate courses in Game Theory, Microeconomic Theory, or any methods or statistics class.


Teaching Experience

Development of Economic Thought and Institutions, Prof. George Boyer (Fall 2018)

Industrial Organization (Undergraduate), Prof. JF Houde (Spring 2017, Spring 2018)

Applied Econometrics, Prof. Doug McKee (Fall 2016), 4.4/5