Welfare Effects of Trade Associations: The Case of the Chilean Salmon Export Industry (joint with Manuel Estay and Debi Prasad Mohapatra) - revisions requested at the RAND Journal of Economics
Winner of the IIOC 2023 Robert F. Lanzillotti Prize for the Best Paper in Antitrust Economics
Regulatory Distortions and Capacity Investment: The Case of China’s Coal Power Industry (Job Market Paper) - revisions requested at International Journal of Industrial Organization
Winner of the EARIE 2019 Young Economist Essay Award (most significant policy contribution)
Environmental Liability, Insurance, and Market Structure in Coal Mining (with Joshua Macey) - revisions requested at Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
Self-Bonding in Environmental Liability Insurance Markets (with Terra Baer and Joshua Macey)
Gains from Procurement Auctions in Coal Mine Reclamation (with Joshua Macey)